How to use SSL/HTTPS and to configure it to Magento ?

So you want to configure SSL/HTTPS to Magento ?


Well let's begin with 

Magento 1.x

To configure your Magento 1.x website to open via HTTPS, log in your Magento admin panel > System Configuration. Then under the General, select Web.

Then expand the Secure section and change the Base URL to

Change the value of the Use Secure URLs in Frontend and Use Secure URLs in Admin options to Yes and save the changes.

Finally, clear the Magento cache for the changes to properly appear.


For  Magento 2.x


To set up your Magento 2.x to work via HTTPS, go to your Magento admin panel > Stores > Configuration > Web. Expand the Base URLs (Secure) section and change the URL in the Secure Base URL field to:

Also, change the value of the Use Secure URLs on Storefront and Use Secure URLs in Admin options to Yes and save the changes using Save Config.

The final step is to clear the Magento cache.


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